I'm a positive person and do not like making negative posts, and I try not to bad-mouth other professionals, but something happened at a wedding I covered on Saturday that made me feel compelled to warn brides about what I see as an unfortunate trend.
My Saurday wedding was at the picturesqe Tryall Club, possibly one of the most beautiful locations in the Caribbean. The couple will have not even one image in their album of them in those exquisite surroundings all because of their make-up artist. (For the record.....this stylist/make-up artist was NOT referred by Tryall) Recently I have done several weddings which have run seriously late due to the make-up artist and or hair stylist running late. I think it is apalling and selfish of these professionals. The make-up artist for another wedding I did was one and a half hours late and arrived with a big smile on her face! Amazing! The bride's Mom was seething with rage.
I know there are really professional make-up artists and hair stylists who are always on time, but I must list hair and make-up professionals as the number one cause for brides running late for their weddings. By the time the vows began on Saturday it was night. As it was an outdoor wedding the minister was happy to have some light from our video camera to read the vows and was in sore straits when we changed angles.
Brides, please be extra careful when selecting the professionals for your wedding. Get references. Ask, "were they on time?" in addition to whether or not they did a good job.
Understandably I feel that every bride deserves an album filled with beautiful images, It really hurts me when, due to no fault of her own, a bride is forced to settle for less than her rightful due. I'm posting a shot taken before the wedding on Saturday.