Donnie Cox passed away this week. He was an Icon on the Jamaican photography scene, the epitome of what a truly professional photographer should be. He was a gentleman. If only more of my peers would emulate men of his calibre, but alas being gentlemanly and chivalrous seem to be considered outdated, yes, so passe. I heard a joke at a wedding that if you see a young man opening the car door for a young lady it means either the car is new or the lady is new. (I know we now have central locking and all, but I still surprise my wife every now and then by opening her door.) Sorry, I digress.
I do love the gentlemanly thing. No apologies. I love wearing my suit to cover weddings, I love holding the door open so others can go through. I believe in doing random acts of kindness. Being kind to someone you don't know, expecting nothing in return. Being kind for no apparent reason with no ulterior motive. I think its a great way to live. Donnie Cox was like that. As newcomer to the business I could ask him anything about the business of photography. He was a giving person as I think we all should be.
The shots are from the wedding of his lovely daughter Kelli, which I was honoured to cover.