Dolreen & Vaughn were wed in Ocho Rios Jamaica last week-end. The bride was remarkably cool considering that the make-up person was over an hour and a half late! That aside though, the ceremony & reception went well, the bride cried, her dad cried and the groom was just cool throughout. There were some killer toasts with no shortage of references to the current Cuban Lightbulb Scandal. The reception was held at the fabulous Jamaica Grande Hotel and there were a lot of guests(I didn't count but it was plenty plenty). All the best guys it was great working with you both.
This week-end my assignment included covering a peace & love concert near Montego-Bay. A young female fan of one of the performers in a single leap reached onstage and into his arms while he was singing! I will leave the details sketchy as the client was not amused! I will however upload a shot along with some from the wedding.
That story is sooo beautiful
I love it
That bride's bouquet is really fabulous. Who was her florist?
Dolreen's comments about the bouquet: Gary, the lady who did my flowers is Karen McGregor 969-7540 (home). If it was my bouquet that she liked, she needs to ensure that she states that she wants fire and ice roses, that it the type that fades from red to white (it comes in different colors but I think the red might be the most common)
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