So as I
suspected it would be, Tomas was much ado about nothing. Very little rain, no wind, and I am stuck with the task of moving ten heavy bags of sand to the back of my house.

The wedding on Saturday was a beautiful but taxing event. The minister was almost an hour late(the one time the bride was actually ready on time), he called the bride the wrong name during the ceremony (actually I think it was during the blessing) and we had to shoot in the rain. It was a light drizzle, however the rain kept getting into the lenses of the cameras causing us to wipe frequently. This will make editing the video an unspeakable headache as my hankerchief will be seen frquently blocking the view of the couple!
Lisa & Robert were a fun couple to work with, no worries at all. Their bridal party was made up of easy-going, fun people. Mainly from the USA,(I think they all were) the groomsmen consumed generous amounts of Red Stripe Beer and beef patties to get themselves ready for the ceremony.
The locations used for the ceremony and the formal portraits served to remind me that the recession had totally bypassed some addresses as there were no hints of recession to be found anywhere near these homes. I will include a shot or two. I returned home vowing to purchase some orchids and revamp my water feature with new plants and more Koi.
All in all it was a great event, and we wish Lisa and Robert all the best in their life together.
Now I must get back to sorting their wedding images. BTW, the rainbow at the ceremony was just unbelievable.