What a fantastic life this is. With all the hateful, negative and bad-minded people out there (some of whom I deal with regularly) I give God thanks for my life, my absolutely fantastic wife, my two adorable children, my talent and the most fabulous wedding clients anyone could have. Really! I have no bad experiences, no difficult clients, no clients I hide from, none of that stuff. I really do love every aspect of my work and enjoy each day thoroughly. Anyway, enough about me.
I had two really great weddings recently Dr. Gail Webster and Dr.Wayne Henry wed amidst friends, dignitaries and family in a beautifully decorated UWI Chapel and an exquisitely decorated ballroom at the Hilton Hotel. (Photos attached) Decorations were done by the talented Dawn Leyow. Rochelle & Damion were wed in a simple but elegant ceremony in the newly built Hellshire Kingdom Hall with the reception at the Jamaica Pegasus Hotel.
I am currently streamlining my workflow to reduce the turnaround time while increasing the quality of output. Please feel free to let me know of any changes you would like to see on the website. Just today i visited the website of Andrew Clarke, a super talented wedding photographer I met in L.A. at a seminar. Check out his website for some really cool wedding photography; it takes a while to load but its worth the wait.