Some side images from recent weddings. By the way, what do you have to be thankful for? Think about it... there is more... think harder, list them on paper and say thanks for each one everyday for a week. Remember, your attitude and not your aptitude determines your altitude. Whatever you do, treat it as if its the most important job in the world. I know mine is!
If you've lost your job recently consider working for yourself! Become a wedding photographer. Its great work with regular cake and good food at some of the best establishments. You get to dress up a lot and meet nice people and listen to great music and sometimes good jokes. and shhh! you actually get paid to do all this. Anyone wishing to get into wedding photography drop me a line, I will be happy to help. The young lady above was a guest at the wedding of Michelle & Errol last week. I blog about that wedding in my next post but she so wanted to see herself I just had to post her photo:) The vendor outside the Emancipation park(a favourite spot for newlyweds) was quite peeved about sharing a good vending tree with the sign. The person walking away is my lovely wife after she had purchased a bottle of water from the illegal vendor. Life goes on...